Family Travel

5 Reasons to Buy Postcards for Souvenirs

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Souvenirs are an important part of a trip, but with 4 kids, it can be hard to find a souvenir that makes everyone happy. Since we travel quite a bit we’ve had to put some restrictions on souvenir buying, otherwise we wouldn’t have any money left for future trips.

If our kids had their way they would buy multiple souvenirs at each place we visit. Realistically that can’t happen. So we’ve compromised by telling them that they can buy a postcard at every single place that we visit, and occasionally we will surprise them and let them pick an additional souvenir.

Now before you go and say that postcards are a waste of money, let me tell you why I think they are a great souvenir choice.

  • They are everywhere! Postcards are so easy to find. Almost every museum or attraction that you visit will have postcards in their gift shop. If you are visiting a major city, and just want one postcard from that city, you will be able to find postcards at attractions, museums, pharmacies, tourist shops, train stations, and even airports. Or if you want to get postcards from every attraction you visit, that’s usually possible as well.
  • Postcards are cheap and inexpensive. You don’t have to spend a lot of money when souvenir shopping. Picking up a postcard is not going to break the bank, but it can still satisfy that desire to buy a souvenir from every place you visit. If you have a child that has a hard time making decisions then you don’t have to stress about letting them go ahead and choose more than one. (Sometimes I’m the one that can’t decide which one to buy!)
  • There are so many to choose from. Most tourist shops and attraction gift shops will have multiple postcards to choose from. My kids are always wanting to pick out a souvenir at each location that we visit, and the things they want to buy are always expensive. I’ve found that a postcard is a great compromise because it’s inexpensive (win for me!) but there are plenty of options for them to choose from, so they still feel like they are getting to pick out their own souvenir (win for them!). Another nice thing about having multiple options is that you can select a postcard that shows the city/attraction from a different vantage point than what you actually got to see and experience. Maybe you visited during the day in January. You might pick a postcard that shows a summer sunset.
  • You can personalize them. After we buy our postcards I will write the kids name, the date we visited, and who we visited with on the backside. Then I will have the child write something on the back of the postcard. Maybe they will decide to write about their favorite memory or the thing they enjoyed the most about our visit. It’s a quick and easy version of having my kids make a scrapbook.
  • Easy to display when you get home. Each of our kids have a bulletin board in their room where they can easily display pictures and postcards from our trips. I like how customizable this is. Each child can decide what they want to display, and they can change it up as often as they like. Putting them on display (and having their memories written on the back) helps them to remember our trips and cherish them.

Do you like to buy postcards when you travel? Is there a special way you display them? Let us know in the comments below.


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