9 Outdoor Toys That Your Kids Will Be Begging to Play With

As a mom, there are times when I want (or even need) my kids to go outside and play for a while. I’ve found that if there are things that they want to do outside, then it makes things go a lot smoother when I say, “Hey why don’t you guys go and play outside for a while?”
So what are some of these magical items that will make your kids want to go outside and play even if it’s 100 degrees outside? Well, I’ve compiled them into a list with pictures and a short description of each one. My kids wanted to chime in on this post too, so you’ll see some of their comments as well.
Jumbo Connect Four – Did you love playing Connect Four as a kid? It’s one of the games that I remember playing with my parents and my brothers over and over again. I like games that have some strategy to them. How about a Jumbo Connect Four that’s as big as your child? My kids have loved playing with this Jumbo Connect Four. It’s made of super-sturdy plastic, but it’s lightweight enough to easily move around or carry it inside or out.

Cullan (10) – “I love that it’s jumbo sized!”

Water table – Kids of all ages love water tables. Our very first water table was a pirate ship and my kids loved it. This is the one we have now and my 8, 10, and 11-year-old will still play with it with my 4-year-old. I love how you can pour water in the top and it creates a rainfall effect. It comes with a lot of fun accessories too.

Hadassah (4) – “I like to scoop up the water with the water table cups.”

Big Joe Pool Petz – Micah got this penguin for her birthday last year and it has been a great addition to our pool toy selection. Big Joe Pool Petz come in so many different designs. Penguin, shark, frog, turtle, jellyfish, polar bear, hippo, and even a fruit slice. Our penguin dries out quickly and has held up to abuse from her brothers as well as many well-meaning friends who visit our pool each summer.
Micah (8) – “I like that I can ride on the penguin and you can use it to make waves.”

Saucer Swing – When we moved into our current house three years ago, our kids were 8, 7, 5, and 1. The perfect age for outdoor play equipment. The only problem was that our yard is mostly sloped. Guess where all of the level ground is? Yep. In the front yard. We didn’t think our neighbors would appreciate us being the house in the neighborhood with their large playset planted right in the front yard. So we decided to go with something smaller and put it as close to the side of our yard as we could. We found this saucer swing and it’s been great. All of the kids have been able to use it, and they’ve even found some creative ways to use it too. Micah and Cullan’s favorite thing to do is have one of them lay on it while the other one turns them around as many times as they can and then let go. I would be so dizzy! But they just laugh and do it over and over again. It’s light enough for Rob to move out of the way when he mows, which is convenient.

Cullan (10) – “The saucer swing is really fun because you can adjust the height and make it to where if you’re on one side you stay up and on the other you slide off. “

Geometric Dome Climber – We also bought this geometric climbing dome for the kids to play on outside. It’s been great for them to climb on, and they also use it as a fort/clubhouse. There are so many different ways that they can use this climbing dome. Eat a picnic inside it, read a book, swing from the bars, etc. It’s metal and very sturdy. You have to assemble it, but the kids and I were able to put it together in about an hour. We haven’t had any problems with it. We’ve had it over a year and it still looks brand new, no problems with rusting or with the paint coming off. It’s also light enough for Rob to move out of the way when he mows. Interestingly enough, the tornado that came through our area destroyed our trampoline but didn’t move the climbing dome.

Hadassah (4) – “I like swinging and climbing all the way UP.”

Glow in the Dark Basketball – Have you ever played basketball in the dark? If not, your kids will be begging to stay up late to play when it gets dark outside once they have this light-up basketball. We bought this basketball for Silas and hoped that it would actually work and hold up to wear and tear. We have been so impressed. It has been so much fun for the kids.
Micah (8) – “We still like to play with the basketball even though our hoop was destroyed by the tornado.”
Light up Ice Cubes – Who would’ve thought that light up ice cubes could be so much fun? We first discovered light up ice cubes at Epcot when we went to Disney World. The kids thought they were so cool, and I wondered what else we might be able to do with them. Well, when you put them in the pool when it gets dark the kids feel like they are having their own party. They love swimming with the colored flashing lights. You could also use these in the water table too.
Micah (8) – “I like to go night swimming and play with the light-up ice cubes.”
Cullan (10) – “It’s so cool that you can put them all in a cup, put your hand over the cup and swim down to the bottom of the pool and let all the ice cubes float up to the top. It looks really neat because it flashes different colors.”

Laser Tag – Laser tag is the perfect outdoor activity for when you want to wear your kids out before bedtime. This laser tag set comes with 4 guns in different colors, and you can play on teams. My kids have gotten a lot of use out of this laser tag set. Your gun keeps track of how many times you’ve been hit and lets you know when you’re out of the game. Your gun also vibrates when you’ve hit someone else.

Silas (11) – “Laser tag is really fun to play with friends and family. I like playing in teams, and it’s more fun to play when it’s starting to get dark outside. I think it’s cool that when you’re about to run out of “lives” your gun makes a loud noise, so you know you need to protect yourself from any more hits.”

Corn Hole – Corn hole is a great outdoor activity for kids because it’s something active for the kids to get up and do, but it’s something that kids with all skill levels can play. Kids can play in teams or just one against the other. It’s also something that one child can get out and practice by themselves. You can also adjust the length between the corn hole boards for different ages. It’s completely adaptable. You can make it as hard or as easy as you want. My 4-year-old just has fun throwing the bean bags around. The older three get a little competitive and are always trying to knock each other’s bean bags off the board.

If you want to enjoy some peace and quiet while the kids spend hours outside happily playing together, go ahead and add some of these outdoor toys to your collection. Your kids might even think you’re the coolest mom on the block.
If you need an indoor activity that your kids will love, check out my review of Election Night, an educational game that your kids will love!
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Great ideas here, especially during this time where we all stay at home. It keeps the kids busy and active.
Sara W
Yes, and away from screens!
These are some great ideas! I love the jumbo connect four and the geometric dome climber! It’s great to encourage kids to play outdoors and explore as technology continues to become a larger part of everyone’s (including our kids’) lives!
Sara W
I couldn’t agree more!
Alexis Farmer
Wow they make some awesome outdoor stuff for kids now!
Sara W
I know, I would’ve loved this stuff when I was a kid!
Beth Shields
This is a great post. I have 6 grandkids and like to keep them busy (gramma wants them to want to come over!). This gives me some great ideas and will be looking into the Connect Four and the Jungle gym. We have pretty much outgrown the little castle that everyone has had in their backyards so looking for something more. Thanks!
Sara W
I have 13 nieces and nephews and I can see them organizing a Connect Four tournament at Grandma’s house.
My youngest would love these!!! I could see her trying to make a fort out of the dome, playing with the giant connect 4 and the pool petz…thanks for the suggestions.
Sara W
You can’t go wrong with any of those choices!
These are terrific ideas. Anything to encourage kids to be inside instead of having screen time is beneficial. And so many families are spending more time at home this summer because of the virus. Excellent!
Sara W
I totally agree – put those screens away for awhile and get outside!
I love the water table, I think I am going to buy this for my grandson! Thanks for the great outdoor fun ideas!
Sara W
The water table is a great kid-favorite!
A lot of these would be great for adults too! I know I’d love the giant connect 4, the laser tag and the cornhole.
Sara W
So true! I love playing connect 4 and cornhole, too.
YES TO ALL OF THIS!! Also, we ride bikes and walk every day! just getting outside is wonderful!
Sara W
My kids do a lot of bike riding too. There’s a little library at the front of our neighborhood and the kids like to ride their bikes up there and sit outside and read for awhile before riding back.
Tricia Snow
These are great ideas! I am going to check these out for my grandkids! Thanks!
Sara W
Glad you found the post helpful!
Sabrina DeWalt
Great ideas for outdoor play. My boys loved laser tag as well as both water and sand tables.
Sara W
My kids would love a sand table if I would let them have one…
Love this!! We have most of these toys but the dome has been on the list for our next big purchase. They are a must for survival during the summer months with your kids.
Sara W
The dome has been a big hit with all 4 of our kids!
Danielle Ardizzone
We love cornhole! Such a fun way to pass the time.
Sara W
I agree, and I love a healthy dose of competition.
Those light up ice cubes are a fantastic idea!
Sara W
Something so simple can make them so happy!
These toys look like a lot of fun!
Sara W
My kids enjoyed getting to help decide which toys would go on our list and then getting to be in the pictures.
Lisa Manderino
These are fun outdoor games! My kids would love these!
Sara W
There’s a little something for everyone on this list.
Mu Hubby and I would LOVE a giant Connect Four game… never mind the kids!! LOL. Great suggestions!
Sara W
Same here! My husband and I love playing it too.
Great ideas for an outdoor summer!
Sara W
Thank you, glad you enjoyed the post.
Oh my gosh these are perfect! Especially because where we are right now, all the parks are closed, so we pretty much just play in our yard. I love the swing and the dome. But the Connect Four would be perfect for my kids too!
Sara W
There’s just something about Jumbo sized games that make them seem more fun!
Jennifer Van Haitsma
Our kids love their water table and their play set. We ought to look into the giant Connect 4. That looks super fun!
Sara W
It’s fun for adults, too.
Lisa Shivel
Great post! We love the Jumbo Connect Four, we have one here at the campground and it’s great for any age! Plus, all the kids love it!
Sara W
And adults too!
Suzan | It's My Sustainable Life
That jumbo connect would be great for adult parties! I may have to check that one out!
Sara W
That’s a great idea!
These are great toys!
Sara W
We had fun putting this post together!
Okay, some of these look great for adults, too!
Sara W
Totally agree! Rob and I love playing Connect Four and corn hole. The laser tag and light up ice cubes could be great for adults too.
Eva Keller
My sister got that water table for her kids this year and they love it. It is the perfect height for the 4 year old to play up top and the 2 year old to play on the bottom. I’m sure they would love all of the other toys too. They look fun!
Sara W
The top section is one of the main reasons we picked that particular water table. It’s a fun feature.
We have a few of these and love playing outdoors! Gotta keep moving!
Sara W
Yes, keeping them active is so important.
can’t wait to try some of these with my kids!
Sara W
There are some good ones to choose from.
These are great ways to get the kids outside! I enjoy playing corn hole.
Sara W
Me too. I’d never heard of corn hole until after I moved to Kentucky after I got married.
These all look so much fun! The giant connect four game is by far my favorite!
Sara W
It’s one of my favorites too.
Love these games!!! Backyard games are always the best!
Sara W
I totally agree. Especially ones we can play as a family.
These look awesome, my kids would love the connect four!
Sara W
There’s something about extra large toys that just make them seem more fun.
Great list! I loved the water table. I think my 2 and a half year old Toddler would love that too.
Sara W
The water table has been a favorite at our house for several years!
The giant connect 4 would be a hit in my house! Not only my son but my husband would love it too!
Sara W
Yes, it’s not just for kids!
that’s perfect for me my kids between 5 years and 11 , and i really need ideas for spend time at home in this days , thanks for share
Sara W
These toys would be great for those ages.