About Us

Thank you for stopping by. We’d love for you to get to know us.
We are the Wilsons, and we love spending time together as a family. One of our favorite things to do together is travel and explore new places. Our current goal is to visit all 50 states before our oldest child graduates from high school in 2027. We will be documenting our adventures so you can share in the fun with us. International travel is something we are looking forward to venturing into as well. Since we spend a lot of time on the road, our children are homeschooled and we will also be sharing that journey with you. Life with four kids can be fun, but tiring, and exciting, yet expensive! So we will also be sharing tips and tricks about life with multiple kids, and how to be budget-conscious. We hope you enjoy joining us as we continue to seek, discover, and learn.

Meet Rob
Rob has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Dayton and has been working as the mechanical maintenance supervisor at a stainless steel mill here in Kentucky for the past 15 years. Gardening is something that Rob enjoys, and he will include the kids when possible – and we all enjoy getting to eat the yummy fresh food. If Rob had unlimited time, he would love to spend more time woodworking, but for now he dabbles when he can. He also has quite a collection of cast iron cookware. The kids get so excited when they wake up on Saturday morning and find out that Rob has made cornbread in one of his many skillets. Rob is an active member at our local church, teaching Bible classes and helping out where needed. He also enjoys playing volleyball and traveling.
Meet Sara
Sara has a degree in Criminal Justice from Northeastern University. Before becoming a stay-at-home mom when Silas was born, she worked for the Kentucky Department of Corrections. Sara loves her field of work, and always thought she would return to work when all of our kids were school age. However, we have decided to homeschool our children, and have been homeschooling all of the kids since preschool. Sara has discovered that she really enjoys homeschooling, and loves getting to spend the extra time with the kids, watching them learn and discover new things. Homeschooling has given us so many great opportunities – we have been able to go on business trips with Rob, spend random days with Rob when he can take off, and visit with the grandparents more frequently. Sara is very organized and is in charge of our family finances. Other interests include reading, entertaining in our home, spending time with friends, and playing cards or board games.

Meet Silas
Silas, who is 10, is a big Harry Potter fan. One of his favorite things to do is read and listen to audiobooks. We will often find him in his room listening to Harry Potter books on Audible. Some of his favorite book series are Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Matt Christopher baseball books, and other books by Rick Riordan. He loves to play baseball and enjoys playing pitcher and third base. He collects Pokemon cards, and enjoys sleeping in. A hobby he has recently picked up is making pens on Rob’s lathe. Taking photographs has become important to him, too, so you will probably see some of his photos make an appearance on our site.

Meet Cullan
Even though Cullan (9) is only 15 months younger than Silas, he is much smaller. We call him “Little Bud or Little Buddy” because he is so small and skinny. But what he is lacking in size, he makes up for in his personality. He is our social child, and loves to interact with adults, making conversation with them, and then treasuring them as his new found friends. He is very creative, and can make the cutest art projects out of random objects (coffee filters, paper towel rolls, paper bags, etc.) He is super sweet and likes to give his art projects away to friends. Cullan has been a Wizard of Oz fan since he was 3 or 4. When he was younger he was very disappointed there was no “Wizard of Oz aisle” at Walmart. He has since discovered Ebay and is always wanting to look and see what new Wizard of Oz treasures might be for sale. He is an old soul and loves going to antique stores and looking at old toys. One of Cullan’s favorite things to do is go to antique stores with Rob.

Meet Micah
Micah is a super sweet girl who loves to serve others. One of the ways she has been serving others lately is by setting up a “spa” in her bedroom, where she offers foot massages and wet hot towels on your legs to her family members while we wait. Cooking and baking are also some of Micah’s current interests. I love coming downstairs in the morning to the smell of Micah’s freshly made cinnamon roll pancakes. She has a special friend that she calls “Baby Doll” who travels with her `everywhere she goes. Baby Doll is a well-traveled toy. When we are not traveling, Micah loves to play softball, and is getting really good at it.

Meet Hadassah
Hadassah is our happy, giggly, easy-going girl, who has always been a great traveler. When she was two years old we took a 2 week trip to Disney World and Universal Studios. We spent 13 days at the parks with only one day off. Every afternoon she would tell us she was ready for her nap and we would lay the stroller down for her. Talk about a parent’s dream! She is our girly-girl who loves to put on fancy dresses and twirl around and sing Frozen songs. Anna and Elsa are her absolute favorite, and Hadassah quickly learned how to ask Alexa to play “Let It Go.”