Magic Town Fun in Colorado Springs

After spending a few hours at the Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum we continued our afternoon of sightseeing and ventured to see Michael Garman’s Magic Town.

Michael Garman is an artist that has created a 3,000 square foot miniature city. In 1975 he started crafting the sculptures for his massive city. Everything you see is inspired by his life in various American and South American cities during the 1950s and 60s.

Magic Town became Micahel Garman’s lifelong project. He tried selling his artwork but found he had trouble parting with it. Each piece meant something to him and he wanted to keep them to enjoy himself. Hence Magic Town was created for all to enjoy.

As you walk through Magic Town you will see shops, a hotel, apartments, alleyways and even a movie theater. Since we were there in October there were various Halloween decorations of cobwebs and lights spread throughout. The movie theater was even showing a scary movie in place of the normal feature.

All of the items were made at a scale of 1/6th of the normal size. As you walk through the displays you are mesmerized by various holograms, visual effects and sound effects that bring the scenes to life. The scene you see when you first look down an alleyway will quickly change to give you a different perspective.

There is a magical feel as you look into a window and observe the characters in a stationary scene, only to have the scene change right before your eyes.

We were truly impressed with the thought and attention to detail that went into creating every part of Magic Town. An entertaining stop during our afternoon in Colorado Springs.

To see more of our trip to Magic Town, including a look at the movie theater, check out our YouTube video below. You can also read about Day 1 of this trip and our visit to Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater and Casa Bonita, or the first part of Day 2 and our morning at the Garden of the Gods, Manitou Cliff Dwellings, Manitou Springs and the Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum.

Loved all the details!!
The details are incredible! I would love to take some time to explore Magic Town too!
What a cool place! It sounds like a fascinating place to visit.
I love all these vignettes. They really make the scenes come alive. I think they really help the kids to see how it was instead of just reading about history.
Sara W
Yes, this is one of my favorite things about being able to travel, getting to learn outside of a classroom environment.
How cool! I would love to see this in person.
Great picture and great information. Looks like a fun place to visit.
Stacey Billingsley
I would love to see something like this, especially at Halloween! I will remember this place for our next visit to Colorado Springs. I hope we can go soon!
Lisa Manderino
That sounds fun! I love how detailed his art is. Love Colorado Springs too!
Wow how fun! I’ll definitely check this place out on my next trip to Colorado Springs.
That’s amazing what Michael Garman has built in his Magic Town.
I love how you find so many wonderful places to bring your children to have fun and learn at the same time. Colorado has so many cool spots!
Sara W
I had a hard time narrowing down what things we were going to do in Colorado. There were so many to choose from.
Oh this is so cool and I would love this place! Thank you for sharing.
This is super cool! Love how much detail went into this town…definitely some passion and talent there!
Eva Keller
Looks like a cool place to visit! When we passed through Colorado Springs most things were closed because of coronavirus, but we hope to make it back in the future to check out more of these places!
Wow, what takes a lot of work to put together. I like that you can look into the windows too.
I love all the detail throughout these displays! I can see why he didn’t want to get rid of them! Incredible!
I would have had a hard time parting with this as well. So much thought and time goes into creating something like this, I would imagine he would become attached to it. So much detail and love in each piece. I would love to see this in person.
Sara W
My son, Cullan, is the same way. He is our artist, and he has sentimental attachments to everything.
Kale @ steakandkale.com
Wow on top of wow. I had NO IDEA this place existed! I love this kind of stuff. I. Must. Go.
Seriously, thanks for sharing! I needed this info!! 🙂
Amanda Krieger
OOOh, this is delightful! And I’ve never heard of any place like it. I feel like my kids would love exploring, so many incredible things to see!
This looks like such a fun and cool place! Love the pics
Wow! This is so cool. Kind of reminds me of a miniature village outdoor site that was about near Toronto (Cullen Gardens in Whitby) many years ago when I was a kid. I remember going there once and being fascinated in all the small buildings. This is a bit like it!
Sara W
That sounds like a neat place too. My son’s name is Cullan – he’ll think it’s cool there’s a place called Cullen Gardens.
Roselyn Franke
This is really fascinating – looks like a really fun place to visit, especially for children.
Sara W
It was such a unique place to visit.